Dead Dent Tools The Wood Breakdown Rod

Dead Dent Tools - The Wood Breakdown

Dead Dent Tools The Wood Breakdown Rod


All new Dead Dent Tools - The Wood Breakdown Hail rod. 

Crafted by the skilled artisans at Dead Dent Tools, the new Wood Breakdown Hail rod is intricately designed to meet all your...

PDR Expo, Vegas Sep 20-21, 2024


The PDR EXPO will take place on September 20-21, 2024 at the Plaza Hotel and Casino in Downtown Las Vegas. You can expect to see exhibitors who will showcase their tools,...

Elimadent - Anson PDR

Elimadent and Anson PDR have joined forces in a partnership with hopes to revolutionize the world of paintless dent repair. James Lee, the mastermind behind Elimadent, is renowned for his top-notch...

2023 Hail Season, One to remember.

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2023: A Hail of a Year for Paintless Dent Repair

Hey PDR Peeps,

2023 has been a wild year for hail damage, right? It seems like everywhere we look,...